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Reasons why ultimate happiness comes from pets

A look, lick, wag or paw can bring so much joy into our lives. Pets have a way of making lonely people feel less isolated and even children benefit from having a furry companion by their side. Without even making an effort, pets bring joy to our lives, which is unlike anything the human-to-human interaction creates. Pets promote such positive, pure emotion that they are without a doubt the creators of ultimate happiness.

Pets learn to love
Despite scratching our couch, cluttering and occasionally driving us crazy, people will love their pets unconditionally. Like us, pets feel happiness and sadness, and humans can read that emotion. Once you develop a bond with your pet, just like a child or a best friend, you learn to forgive them for behavior that might otherwise be unforgivable. This in turn teaches us not only to be more empathetic, but also how to feel and give love.

They give us self-respect
If you're having a bad day and feeling down, your pet will be there to comfort you. It doesn't matter to them whether you have pimples, your hair is not right, have a mental disorder or are ill. Even if you stumble through the doorway drunk at 2 a.m., they won't judge you. You will always be yourself and belong when a pet is waiting for you.

They help with social connections
Ever notice that when you take your dog to the vet, the store, or take it for a walk, people are more friendly? There's something about that furry cutie that makes people feel friendly just like a newborn baby. Even when you don't have your dog with you, talking about them and all their precious or annoying quirks is always a great conversation starter. Owning a dog gives you the opportunity to connect with people you may never have approached. Even the smallest interaction dispels feelings of isolation. For the elderly, companion animals are a great way to improve quality of life.

They make you move Numerous studies have proven that owning a pet improves your health. This is because dogs make us move in different ways. Dogs take us outside to play or walk. And they don't leave us alone inside either. Cats let us use our brains to make DIY trees. Although these are just a few examples, it is clear that having a pet inspires us to do more.

They boost your mood
Just watching our beloved dog or cat can give us a boost of mood-boosting hormones. That is why pets are popular for therapy because they bring more peace to our lives. When you run your hand over their fur and look into their eyes, cortisol is reduced.