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Signs that your dog is in pain

Sometimes it happens that your dog behaves differently than usual. This may be because he or she may be in pain. Age should never be used as an excuse for an animal in pain; our pets feel as much or more pain than us; and there is a treatment for every dog. As your dog's main companion, you should be able to assess whether your dog is in pain. If you see any of the symptoms of pain below, see your vet.

1. Reluctance to walk on slippery surfaces.

2. Going up or down the stairs is difficult.

3. The dog becomes selective with where to jump on or off.

4. First try to stand up with the front legs.

5. Something as simple as lying down can even become difficult.

6. Running and jumping activities are becoming more limited.

7. Placing an abnormal amount of weight on the front legs.

8. Abnormal wear and tear on nails.

9. Not wanting to play or initiate other social interactions.

10. Aggression towards other animals where aggression did not yet exist.

11. Aversion to being petted or brushed.

12. Disturbance in sleep pattern.

13. Stiffness.

14. A decrease in appetite.

15. Problems with toilet training.