Family Best Time >> Animals & Insects

Smart product:The bowl that forces your dog to eat gently.

Smart product:The bowl that forces your dog to eat gently.

Does your dog pounce on food?

He's not the only one, all dogs are like that!

As with humans, eating too fast is not good for dogs... causes bloating and in addition it makes you fat. So what to do?

The solution is to use an anti-glutton bowl that forces your dog to eat slowly. Watch:

Smart product:The bowl that forces your dog to eat gently.

Watch the difference in video:

How much does it cost: €13.99

Smart product:The bowl that forces your dog to eat gently.

Why is it smart?

1. Because your dog or puppy will have to eat slowly.

2. Because your dog will have much less gas!

3. Because your dog will have much less chance of getting fat and putting his health at risk.

Bonus Tips

Smart product:The bowl that forces your dog to eat gently.

- instead of buying this anti-glutton bowl, you can also try mixing the kibble with water so that the dog slows down and drinks at the same time.

- another trick is to put a pétanque ball or a ball that the dog cannot swallow inside the bowl. That way, he will have to eat around and will be forced to slow down.