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How To Let Your Cat Go Safely.

How To Let Your Cat Go Safely.

Would your cat like to go outside?

But you are afraid that something will happen to him?

It's true that it can be dangerous for a cat, because an accident can happen quickly.

Fortunately, here is the solution to allow him to go out in the garden without any risk.

The trick is to make a covered shelter for it all around the garden.

That way you can let it out without risk. Watch how:

How To Let Your Cat Go Safely.

How to

He knows a little tinkering, of course...

But the idea is to take a closed walk in the garden.

The owner of this cat has built a fenced walkway all around the garden.

It is a safe space for the cat to get some fresh air in the absence of its master.

And it allows him to walk without a leash!

There you go, this cat will be able to get some fresh air without running any risk :-)

He will be able to admire the birds and the nature around him quietly.

The advantage of this trick...

It is that the cat feels safe while having a larger and more entertaining play space.

It's as if he had a big doghouse outside the house.

If you don't have wire mesh, you can find some here.

Your turn...

What do you think of this cat playground? Tell us in comments what you think. We can't wait to read you!