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Important signs that your dog is stressed

It can be hard for us to notice when dogs are going through a rough time. There are so many things that can cause stress in a dog's life that it can be challenging to figure out what they are. However, the first step is to identify the stress in the first place. Dogs show stress differently than humans, but these three symptoms are important signs that your dog needs a little extra care.

Excessive panting
Some dogs pant more than others, but unless it's particularly hot, don't let your dog pant excessively. Dogs who are tense and anxious often pant even when they are in a cool area. Panting is one way dogs relieve stress and lower their body temperatures, which are often elevated in a difficult situation. If you notice that your dog is panting without prior exertion or high temperatures, it's a good idea to make sure they are not in any physical or emotional discomfort.

Eyes, ears and tail
These three are lumped together because they are often always shown together. If your dog's ears are set back, you can be sure that some stress is being felt. If the whites of your dog's eyes show, you're seeing another sign of stress. A very stiffly erected tail or one between the legs are both signs of stress. All these signs together are a giant red flag that the dog in front of you is very uncomfortable and probably very scared. These signs of stress should not be ignored, but caution is advised as upset dogs are likely to bite from fear.

Loss of appetite Even the hungriest dogs will avoid food when stressed. Many people have tried unsuccessfully to lure a lost or stray dog ​​with food. Most dogs, just like humans, quickly lose their appetite in a stressful situation. If you notice that your dog is not eating, it could be a sign of physical or emotional stress. Especially if the dog does not like his favorite treats, you should consult a vet to make sure that nothing is wrong.

When it comes to identifying stress in our dogs, we need to keep an eye out for such signs. Some dogs are more stressed than others, so it's important to make sure you're attuned to your dog. Most importantly, if you notice that your dog is stressed in a situation, do your best to remove them from the situation. You are the owner, so their comfort and stress level depends on you. Do everything you can to make sure your dog feels happy and safe.