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5 easy steps to help your dog lose weight

We all want our dogs to be healthy, and weight management is an important part of that. If dogs become overweight, it puts them at greater risk for several ailments. If your dog needs to lose a few pounds, start with a vet visit. Your vet can weigh your dog, make sure there are no underlying health problems and you need to know how much weight your dog needs to lose. Here are 5 steps to take

1. Leave out the unhealthy treats Dog treats are a major culprit for excess calories. Some treats are high in fat and contain unhealthy ingredients that your dog doesn't need. Replace them with healthy, fresh fruits and vegetables, such as carrots or mango.

2. Spend more time playing and practicing
Add an extra block to your normal walking route and play with the ball a little longer. Make sure to slowly increase the amount of activity to avoid strain.

3. Start weighing your dog's food
Weighing is more accurate and will help you avoid overfeeding. The feeding guidelines on the package are a good starting point to determine the right amount for your dog, but it may need to be adjusted to ensure your dog maintains an optimal body weight. Even dogs of the same body weight can vary greatly in their daily energy needs.

4. Weigh the dog weekly
Use your scale, weigh yourself, then pick up your dog and weigh again. Subtract the difference. A loss of one to two percent per week is ideal; a faster decrease can be harmful.

5. Monitor progress and stay on track
Adjust the amount of food until a slow and steady weight loss is achieved. Continue to adjust food intake and assess body condition weekly until your dog has reached an ideal body weight.

Once you've reached optimal weight, make sure to maintain the diet and level of exercise your dog needs to stay healthy. Don't let old bad habits return. Working with your dog to manage his weight can provide warmth and companionship for years to come!