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Tips to keep your dog happy during cold weather

It can be difficult for us humans to stay active all winter, and so it is for our dogs. But it's important to make sure your dog stays happy and healthy all winter long. Here are some ways to keep your dog happy during the cold months.

Keep them active
The weather outside may be dirty, wet and cold for a long walk. But it doesn't mean you and your dog can't enjoy a fun play session while you're indoors! Tug of war inside is a good way to burn off energy, bond and give your dog a little exercise. View the nicest ropes here.

Keep them warm
Some dogs like cold temperatures and snow, but others, especially seniors and small dogs, are sensitive to the cold weather! If you have a dog who doesn't like the winter, put on a comfortable sweater and provide soft blankets to snuggle in.

Challenge them to a training session
Teaching your dog a new workout or trick is double the work of getting them moving and thinking! And the best incentive for all their hard work? Delicious, healthy treats!

Give them a puzzle
Mental stimulation is just as important as exercise, and the good news is, a puzzle is the perfect thing for your dog to do if they're trapped inside! Challenge your dog with a puzzle that will keep him busy while rewarding him with a tasty snack afterwards. View the best thinking games here.

Give their joints some love
Just like us, our dogs' joints can become stiff and sore as they age, and cold weather can take a hard toll on our furry friends. Even if they stay indoors, the low temperatures can make it difficult to stay limber. While these supplements can be considered year-round, your dog may be especially grateful for some extra love in the winter.

Keep their skin and coat healthy Winter weather can lead to dry, itchy skin for everyone, including your dog! Since they don't use body lotion like we do, you can help keep your dog's skin and coat hydrated and shiny with salmon oil. The delicious oil is a multitasker, because it is beneficial for the heart and blood vessels, reduces joint complaints, cares for and prevents skin problems (e.g. hair loss, itching, flea allergy and bald spots), ensures a radiant coat and better digestion (less stool, better food intake). View a list of different types of salmon oil here.