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4 tips to keep your dog's joints healthy

If getting more exercise is one of your goals for 2021, you may have a natural personal trainer by your side. Dogs can be a great motivation to make fitness part of your daily routine by taking daily walks, which is also a safe and healthy activity during COVID-19. Our dogs are living longer and more adventurous lives than ever before, so it's important to consider joint health from an early age. There are preventive measures that can help keep your dog active and mobile throughout his or her life. Here are four tips to keep your dog's joints healthy:

1. Start young Excessive exercise and feeding an unbalanced diet for growing puppies can lead to changes in the growth plates and affect joint development. Which will lead to joint disorders later in life. Controlled, regular exercise and a good quality puppy diet will set your puppy up for good joint health in the future.

2. Alternate the exercise
Try to vary the load on your dog's joints by varying their training pattern. For example, try moving it regularly between soft and hard surfaces. Also try to vary the type of exercise your dog is given, as daily repetition of certain activities, such as chasing a ball, can lead to joint problems in the future.

3. Note the weight
Overweight dogs are about 3 times more likely to suffer from joint diseases, such as arthritis and ruptured cruciate ligaments. Carrying extra weight puts additional stress on the joints, so one of the best things you can do to prevent and alleviate joint disease is to keep your dog healthy.

4. Regular visits to vets Vets are trained to notice even the most subtle differences in the way your dog moves, so visits to the vet at least twice a year should be essential. Noticing the early signs of discomfort and initiating early treatment can slow the progression of joint disease and keep your dog much more comfortable.