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Your dog is afraid of storms ? Discover our 6 Tips!

Your dog is afraid of storms ? Discover our 6 Tips!

Many dogs are often terrified by thunderstorms and storms.

And since they sense atmospheric variations and pressure changes long before we do, they know when the storm is approaching.

Some dogs are super stressed during thunderstorms.

So much so that they can behave in ways that reflect their anxiety...

They bark loudly, pant, breathe hard and chew strangely.

Your dog is afraid of storms ? Discover our 6 Tips!

  • 1. Establish a safe zone
  • 2. Keep the doors closed
  • 3. Try the "storm coat"
  • 4. Avoid over brooding
  • 5. Distract him
  • 6. Control your own worries
  • Result

A storm is approaching your home? Don't worry and keep calm.

Here are 6 tips to keep your dog calm during the storm. Watch:

1. Establish a safe zone

Set up a safety zone where your dog can retreat to when he feels uncomfortable during the storm. A kennel with the door open or a small cozy room are perfect.

Ideally, it will be a dark and quiet place. It has to be like a bunker for your dog. He will know that he can go there whenever he is stressed and that he will be safe there.

2. Keep the doors closed

Dogs are often frightened during thunderstorms and some may actually run away in complete panic after hearing thunder and seeing lightning.

Keep doors and windows closed to make sure your dog doesn't escape. As always, make sure your dog has a tag to identify him in case he runs away. This will give you a better chance of finding it easily.

3. Try the "storm coat"

Your dog is afraid of storms ? Discover our 6 Tips!

As its name suggests, this "storm coat" is used to calm the anxiety of some dogs.

In this coat, your dog feels secure, because it is tight inside. This is the same method that used to be used when swaddling infants.

This is ideal for calming him down and reducing his anxiety. We recommend this coat which is not expensive and works very well.

4. Avoid over brooding

This may seem difficult, but this step is essential. Going to extra lengths to soothe, cuddle and pamper your dog can do more damage than good.

Why ? Because he will understand that you know something is wrong, which will stress him out even more. To reassure and calm him down, you need to be calm and show him that everything is fine.

Note: You should never punish your pet for being a little too clingy during the storm. It is not a behavior that they adopt voluntarily. Instead, be supportive, without overdoing it!

5. Distract him

Your dog is afraid of storms ? Discover our 6 Tips!

Try distracting your dog from the scary noises and lights outside with another activity. For example, play a game with him:play ball or offer him a new toy.

If you do this regularly with every thunderstorm, your dog may develop a positive association with thunderstorms. Why ? Because it will associate thunderstorms with greater attention from you. If you are looking for a nice and cheap toy for your dog, we recommend this one that allows you to play tug of war with him.

6. Control your own worries

Dogs can sense your nervousness. Therefore, they will guess perfectly if you are scared. Try to stay calm during the storm.

This will help your dog calm down too. Speak to him in a cheerful and reassuring voice, laugh whenever you can.


There you go, you now know the tricks so that your dog is no longer afraid of thunderstorms :-)