Whether domesticated or wild, animals are always surprising.
They often have expressions close to ours and that makes them too funny!
Fortunately they are there to give us love and make us laugh.
Here are 24 hilarious photos of animals that will make you smile for the day . Watch:
1. But give me space guys!
2. Hello everyone!
3. A little caress between turtle and fish
4. I put the turbo!
5. Guess where I'm hiding mom?
6. Hey guys!
7. It's time for mass!
8. Do you like my new mustache?
9. By car Ginette!
10. I can really see better from here guys
11. How do you put your head in this direction?
12. And presto, it's won!
13. An a cappella of two fish
14. Your fly is open
15. Good evening sir, police check!
16. To…to…in single file!
17. Oh dear, I have a headache...
18. Always stay calm is my motto
19. It's okay, I'm hidden guys
20. Do you want my finger?
21. I think I ate a little too much there
22. I'm ready for the snowball fight guys!
23. Have you seen my new dentures?
24. That's all for today!
Picture sources: Comedy Wild Life
If like me you love animals, I recommend this magnificent encyclopedia of animals.