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19 Photos Of Animals Discovering Something For The Very First Time.

19 Photos Of Animals Discovering Something For The Very First Time.

Just like us, animals also have their first time.

First flight, first trip, first snow...

And when they live these experiences for the very first time, you can read their amazement in their eyes!

And even, sometimes, a certain pride or a real questioning. Either way, it's always fun!

It gives truly magical shots! We couldn't not share them with you.

Here are 19 photos of animals discovering something for the first time . Watch:

1. First time in a box

19 Photos Of Animals Discovering Something For The Very First Time.

2. First flight of the little geese

19 Photos Of Animals Discovering Something For The Very First Time.

3. First night with his new master

19 Photos Of Animals Discovering Something For The Very First Time.

4. First climbing lesson

19 Photos Of Animals Discovering Something For The Very First Time.

5. First toboggan run

19 Photos Of Animals Discovering Something For The Very First Time.

6. First walk to the lake

19 Photos Of Animals Discovering Something For The Very First Time.

7. First step in the snow

19 Photos Of Animals Discovering Something For The Very First Time.

8. First time in the pet department

19 Photos Of Animals Discovering Something For The Very First Time.

9. First step alone

19 Photos Of Animals Discovering Something For The Very First Time.

10. First truffle in the wind by car. Total ecstasy!

19 Photos Of Animals Discovering Something For The Very First Time.

11. First ears of corn

19 Photos Of Animals Discovering Something For The Very First Time.

12. First toboggan descent

19 Photos Of Animals Discovering Something For The Very First Time.

13. First encounter with a dog

19 Photos Of Animals Discovering Something For The Very First Time.

14. Exhausting first hike

19 Photos Of Animals Discovering Something For The Very First Time.

15. First howl like a wolf

19 Photos Of Animals Discovering Something For The Very First Time.

16. First time in front of a mirror

19 Photos Of Animals Discovering Something For The Very First Time.

17. First walk for this paralyzed dog

19 Photos Of Animals Discovering Something For The Very First Time.

18. First meeting with baby

19 Photos Of Animals Discovering Something For The Very First Time.

19. First metro trip:terrifying!

19 Photos Of Animals Discovering Something For The Very First Time.