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Pets are perfect icebreakers in the search for the right one

Pets are not only your best friend, they can also be the icebreaker in the search for the right one. More than 50 percent of people say their pets have helped them strike up a conversation with someone they are interested in. That's according to a new Purina survey of 1,200 respondents.

The survey found that:
54 percent of people say their pet was the conversation starter with someone they're interested in
63 percent of people will date someone because they have a pet
Almost 6 in 10 respondents say they are more likely to find a person with a dog more attractive
88 percent believe dogs are great for meeting new people
1 in 3 people would like to meet or talk to someone if they have their pet in their dating website photo
33 percent of men agree that singles with companions have a higher chance of dating

Owning a pet can boost confidence in men and women, especially if meeting new people is a stressful experience for them. For example, 1 in 3 of the men surveyed believe that being single and owning a pet would make them more attractive.