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60% of owners give a gift to their dog or cat on Animal Day

60% of Dutch people with a pet spoil their dog or cat on October 4 with a nice gift. 28% of owners give their pet extra attention and only 12% do nothing at all on Animal Day. This is apparent from research by online platform Max&Luna. Dog owners seem to be a little more generous than cat owners; 68% of dogs receive a present on Animal Day, compared to 52% of cats. On average, dog owners spend € 12.50 and cat owners € 7.50.

What do you give your four-legged friend as a gift on this special day? 55% give something tasty to eat such as a snack or other meal. 30% choose toys and 15% buy something that is not only fun for their pet but also for themselves, such as a nice litter box or trendy dog ​​leash.