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Warm weather and dogs

Dogs have a harder time getting rid of their heat than we humans. They only have the soles of their feet and the panting through which they can get rid of excess heat. Overheating is lurking and it can happen faster than you think. Fortunately, an overheated dog is easy to recognize, but the owner must be aware of that. By paying close attention to the dog and by recognizing the first symptoms in time (heavy panting, drooling, becoming lethargic) and acting accordingly, dramas can be prevented.

What happens in case of overheating?
The normal body temperature for dogs is between 38 and 39 degrees Celsius. An overheated dog becomes lethargic and his movements become slower. He may even refuse to get up. The body temperature rises quickly and this heat can be felt well on the inside of the ears and lips. When the body temperature rises to 42 degrees, the proteins in the blood and the cell structures change in such a way that the blood becomes thick and viscous and can therefore no longer be pumped properly by the heart. Dogs will fall into a coma and die irrevocably.

How do you recognize overheating?
In addition to heavy panting and restlessness, his symptoms include lethargy and vomiting.

What precautions should you take?
An owner should not leave his dog in direct sun, but should provide sufficient shady places in the house, in the garden and during outings. Great walks are best planned in the cool of the morning and late at night. There should always be plenty of cool fresh water available. Swimming is good if the dog is willing and able to do so and if the bathing water is safe. Walking on asphalt is best avoided, grass is better. Sand can also get very hot. Dogs that want to play and run anytime and anywhere must be slowed down.

What to do if the dog does overheat?
Remove the dog from the sun or heat immediately. Take it to a cool, shady spot. Cover with wet, cool rags that are changed every five minutes. Give him small sips of water. Take his temperature and see a vet immediately.

What's so bad about leaving a dog in the car? Leaving dogs in cars in this hot weather is life-threatening. The temperature in the car can quickly rise in a few minutes. It is not about sufficient oxygen but about the temperature, so even with windows ajar, your dog can succumb to the heat in the locked car within minutes.

What other risks are there in warm weather?
Be careful with heavy exertion such as playing or running after the ball. This can also lead to problems. Cycling in the summer poses a risk. The dog must be in good condition and be able to cool down regularly (for example by swimming). In addition, the distance should not be too great. Don't go for a bike ride with your dog on a nice summer day if you never do. If your dog is used to walking next to the bike, go in the morning or evening and not in the middle of the day.

Are there dogs at extra risk?
Old dogs and puppies, just like old people and children, need extra care and attention during hot days. For them, even more than for healthy, adult dogs, you need to keep a close eye on them and observe all precautions. Dogs with very short noses such as French and English Bulldogs, Pugs and Boxers are significantly more at risk of overheating problems. Due to their unnatural physique, they are extra vulnerable with this warm weather.

Source:Dog Protection