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Pets are people's best binge partners

The love for our pets has reached epic heights – special pet taxi services in Mumbai, dog sick leave in Italy, – so it should come as no surprise that our four-legged friends have infiltrated our entertainment habits. According to a new Netflix survey, most people (58%) believe pets are the best binge partner when it comes to watching TV.

Let's face it, watching a show with someone else can sometimes have its downsides. Not only do pets not reach for the remote or judge our entertainment tastes (well, maybe), they make the perfect companions for socializing, the cuddles (one in three have turned to their furry friends for comfort during a sad or scary scene), and even the conversation (22% have talked to their pet about the show or movie they were watching).

Although you should be warned that binging with pets also has its downsides. More than a third of respondents (37%) have moved where they are to make their pets more comfortable, 22% have bribed them with treats to watch longer, and some (12%) have even gone so far as to turn off the TV. because their pet didn't seem to like it.