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This is how you deal with a dog's moulting period

A dog's shedding season can be frustrating for all of us, no matter how much we love our dogs. All dogs are affected by this to some degree, with the exception of completely hairless dogs. Certain breeds suffer little from hair loss, and others more.

All year round moulting period
All animals with hair have a regular moulting period. This is part of the natural life cycle of hair shafts in the follicles. All hair shafts go through phases of growth and shedding. The phases affect the rate of hair growth and vary by breed, age, hormones, environment and overall health of the dog. These factors also contribute to the length and texture of the hair, although genetics is the predominant factor.

Dogs with continuously growing hair, such as Poodles and Yorkshire Terriers, have longer-lasting hair shafts and shed very little. On the other hand, dogs like Labradors and Huskies have shorter hair shaft life and more abundant undercoats, resulting in greater shedding.

The moulting season
In general, most dogs will shed extra during the spring and fall. Most dogs are double coated; they have underlayers and overlayers. The top layer is what you see and feel on the outside. The undercoat is made up of secondary hairs that grow around the primary hairs and are usually shorter and softer. Seasonal molting occurs due to temperature change. When the weather warms up, dogs shed their old winter coat to make way for a lighter summer coat. Then, when it starts to get cool again, dogs shed their lighter undercoats and get thicker, warmer coats for the winter.

Not all coat types are affected by temperature changes in the same way. For example, dogs like Bichons and Shih Tzus have less undercoat, so they shed less when the seasons change. The old fur still needs to be removed by grooming the dogs. However, dogs like Newfoundlands have heavy, thick undercoats that make shedding much more apparent. Standard brushing is important for both coat types.

Other reasons for molting Your dog's health can affect the shedding rate, so it's important to be aware of unexplained excessive shedding. Skin problems, diseases, nutritional or vitamin deficiencies and other metabolic disorders can cause hair loss or alter the rate of hair growth. It is important to contact your vet if the rate of moulting seems unusual for your dog.

Get control of the moulting
There is no way to completely stop moulting. It is a healthy and natural process that is necessary for dogs. It's not a good idea to shave your dog as it can interfere with your dog's natural self-cooling and self-heating mechanisms. In the long run, this will be no less. In rare cases, the hair in shaved areas grows back abnormally or not at all. The key to preventing excessive molting is to keep track of it.

Routine grooming is absolutely essential for all dogs. Brushing or combing your dog will help remove dead hairs before they can fall onto your carpet, bedding, and upholstery. It also prevents those dead hairs from forming mats on your dog's coat that can eventually damage the skin. Brushing also distributes the natural, healthy oils produced by the skin throughout the coat. Using the right grooming tools can make a big difference. Some owners prefer to take dogs to a groomer regularly for grooming.

Managing the aftermath of molting in your home
Moulting makes a mess, there's no doubt about it. As a dog owner, you have probably become aware that regular house cleaning is the norm, especially during the shedding season. The key is to remove hair before it has a chance to settle into the carpet and upholstery.