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This is how you deal with aging cats

Many cat owners don't immediately notice that their cat's behavior changes because he's gotten older. Slowly the cat's senses and perception deteriorate, the need for sleep increases health restrictions. Here we give tips on how to deal with the signs of aging, so that you can get your animals through their senior years.

Easily accessible refuge

Most cats want to sleep and rest more as they get older. It is therefore essential for their well-being that the velvet paw can retire to a quiet, warm place in the house equipped with a soft sleeping place. This can be, for example, a basket, a cave or a scratching post. It is important that the rest area is easily accessible. If the cat is no longer physically fit, it may be difficult to climb or jump on the scratching post. Step-up aids in the form of ramps or ladders can also help to reach the desired places.

Check power supply

Older cats are often less active and have a slower metabolism. Their nutritional needs change accordingly. Older cats need fewer calories. At the same time, the food should contain easily digestible, lean proteins. It is best for cat owners to offer their domestic tiger several small meals throughout the day so as not to overload the digestive tract with excessive amounts of food and to control the amount of food and water consumed. The bowls must be easily accessible and flat for the animal.

Regular health checks

Older cats should (at least!) be examined annually by a veterinarian to maintain their health status and to detect diseases or organ disorders in time. An aging phenomenon is the increasing risk of diseases in the oral cavity. In addition to regular dental and gum checks at the vet, the pet owner's attention is also required:if the cat suddenly avoids solid food, develops strong bad breath, drools a lot or develops brown-beige plaque, you should consult the vet with your animal.

Easily accessible litter box

Short distances to the litter box are helpful for older cats, as they may not be able to control their urge to urinate as well as a young cat. It is best for cat owners to place multiple toilets with low entry heights in strategically favorable locations. This also applies to older outdoor enthusiasts who suddenly no longer go outside in bad weather. The vet can determine organically caused impurity based on blood and urine values.

Need more care

Older cats are often unable to groom themselves and their mobility declines. Animals that have not been combed before should now be brushed regularly so that the sensitive fur does not tangle. This applies to both short-haired and long-haired cats. A dog and cat hairdresser helps with the trimming. The claws should also be checked regularly. “

Pay attention to changed behavior

There are cats that seem to be in great shape and have aged unnoticed until they die. Others, however, show age-related changes quite early on. Older cats who are outdoors often have different challenges than just indoor cats:Some are more easily injured because they don't have the strength to hold their own in the area as they have in the past. The more attentively you look at your cat, the easier it is to adapt daily life to the changed phase of life and to allow the cat to maintain its quality of life.