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What kinds of games can you play with your puppy?

Your creativity is required when playing with the puppy. In this article we would like to introduce you to some possibilities to play with your puppy.

Puppy Retrieval Games 
Fetch games are great for puppies. In general, many objects can be used to retrieve. However, if you use everyday items such as socks or slippers, your puppy will be carrying them around all the time and it is very likely that they will be destroyed on a regular basis. We therefore recommend that you use, for example, a ball, a throwing stick or a cuddly toy.

First of all, of course, your puppy needs to learn to pick up objects that you throw away. Throw the toy out in front of you a bit. If the puppy picks up the toy with its mouth, immediately call it to you with the selected command to retrieve it (e.g. "take" or "bring"). If he doesn't come right away, show me some treats. Once the puppy is with you, give him/her a treat and repeat the command. In the next step, throw the toy further away from you and repeat the exercise.

Once the toy retrieval works, you can let your pup pick up other items. Instead of throwing the item away, you can put it down or hide it somewhere and let your puppy find the item and then bring it to you.

You should not overdo the game of fetch as it can be very tiring for your young pup. Excessive ball play at a young age is not healthy for your dog's bones and cartilage.

What kinds of games can you play with your puppy?

Balls 17,26

What kinds of games can you play with your puppy?

Frisbee 21,95

What kinds of games can you play with your puppy?

Kong Wubba 8.75

Puppy food, puzzle and search games
There are countless ways to feed a puppy. For example, you can simply spread food on the floor for your puppy to search for. If it gets more difficult, you can hide the food under a towel, a mug, on the couch, etc. Searching for food can of course also take place outside. You can also buy a so-called sniffing carpet for your puppy:

What kinds of games can you play with your puppy?

Snuffle mat 34.99

You can also fill a Kong with dog food for your pup. He/she has been working on that for a while. Food can also be used excellently for concentration exercises. For example, you can teach your puppy not to take treats in front of him/her, but only if you give the signal (a short time later). Snack balls filled with treats are also delicious for puppies. The treat falls from such balls if the dog gently rolls the ball with its nose on the floor, or the puppy has to remove the treat from the ball.

What kinds of games can you play with your puppy?

Puppy Kong 16.70

What kinds of games can you play with your puppy?

Dog Twister 28,70

Draging games for puppies
Games in which the puppy and the dog owner easily (!) “fight” A dog rope or a towel are especially popular with many puppies. It is important to note that the game must end immediately if the puppy turns and starts to bite. In general, it is also important to pay attention to the sensitive baby teeth of the dog when pulling and not to pull too tight. Such play should be avoided when changing teeth.

What kinds of games can you play with your puppy?

Dog rope 19.99

Fight like a dog
Young dogs love to fight. Like little boys, they like to measure their strength in play and test the other person's reaction. The owner can use this activity game to playfully show the small dog the limits of puppy training. If the puppy becomes dishonest and bites to reinforce his position, you can quickly teach him that he has gone too far by aborting or interrupting play, for example with the command “stop”.

Puppy Discovery Games Puppies are good friends exploring the world with their owner and trying new things. Leave the trail for a walk and run with your puppy. Have him/her walk under a park bench or jump over a low tree trunk. A balancing act on a log can also work well for a focused pup. Slalom running between trees or bicycle racks can also be exciting.

The whole can of course also take place in your own garden or at home with the help of a self-built setup, there are no limits to your imagination. For example, you can set up tunnels and slaloms, create different surfaces (for example, rustling foil), etc.

What kinds of games can you play with your puppy?

Jump &Fun set 53,85

What kinds of games can you play with your puppy?

Agility slalom 49,50

Puppy games:which puppy game is right for which dog?
You should try out which game is best for your puppy. Every dog ​​has different preferences. These preferences are often breed dependent. Retrievers, for example, love to retrieve games. Sheepdogs often prefer intelligence games. Other dogs often prefer tug-of-war. But that doesn't mean that not every breed can learn every puppy game.

Most importantly, the game is fun and motivating. In general, your dog should never be bored. Endless repetitions of the same game are not just boring for the dog owner. Play loses its charm. That's why it makes sense to try out different games and always offer something new.

Which toys are suitable for puppies?
There are now a lot of toys available for dogs. There are toys in all imaginable colours, shapes and materials. However, not all dog toys are suitable for puppies. It is important that the toy is non-toxic and cannot injure the puppy while chewing. Puppies have very sharp teeth, which toys regularly fall victim to. Especially cuddly toys from which your puppy can bite off small parts or from which he can remove the filling and swallow it.

In general, your puppy should not be left unattended with toys. The risk that he could swallow something is too great.