Family Best Time >> Animals & Insects

How do you become a climate-smart pet owner?

All changes in daily life aimed at reducing the climate impact contribute to positive development, small and large. There are many animal owners, and together we can make a difference! For everyone who wants to be a more climate-smart pet owner, we have listed some measures that contribute to climate-smart pet ownership:

Buy Dutch!
Buy Dutch feed, it reduces transport and increases transparency in production and the raw materials used.

Choose the product with care
Choose a food that suits the circumstances your dog or cat has. Activity level, size, metabolism and neutering are factors that come into play. Ensure that the manufacturer uses controlled and sustainable raw materials. Feel free to choose an animal feed with climate-smart packaging, read about transport and see how companies deal with sustainable energy and waste management.

Buy used 
There are many ways to reduce environmental impact. There are a number of accessories that can be used as easily as newly produced. Bowls, lines and blankets are just a few examples.

Inspire others
Once you've read and found alternatives that work for you, both in terms of food and accessories, spread the word. By learning from each other and creating new habits when it comes to animal ownership, we can take more responsibility for the environment together.