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The Tip For Saying Goodbye To Cat Litter Smells (Revealed By My Vet).

The Tip For Saying Goodbye To Cat Litter Smells (Revealed By My Vet).

I love my cat!

What I like less are the unpleasant odors of her litter...

I have tested many commercial litter deodorizers.

But none gave good results!

Not to mention the fact that these air fresheners are expensive and far from natural.

So much so that my cat no longer wanted to go in its crate.

Fortunately, my veterinarian revealed to me a super effective and economical trick to neutralize cat litter odors.

The simple and economical trick is to sprinkle baking soda in the bottom of the litter box . Watch:

The Tip For Saying Goodbye To Cat Litter Smells (Revealed By My Vet).

  • What you need
  • How to
  • Result
  • Why does it work?

What you need

- bicarbonate

- cat litter

How to

1. Empty and clean the litter box.

2. Once clean, sprinkle at least 1/2 centimeter of baking soda in the bottom of the bin.

The Tip For Saying Goodbye To Cat Litter Smells (Revealed By My Vet).

3. Add on top of the cat's usual litter.


And There you go ! Thanks to baking soda, no more cat pee smells in the whole house :-)

Easy, economical and really practical, right?

This trick is known to all cat professionals to avoid urine odors.

Don't worry, it's not at all harmful for Felix's little paws.

Remember to renew your gravel completely at least once a week. Cats are often very delicate!

For my cat, I remove the droppings after each passage, so the box lasts without problem 1 week.

Why does it work?

Baking soda deodorizes the litter box while absorbing urine and odors.

It also helps to sanitize the cash register and prevent the spread of bacteria.