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The Super Tip To Deodorize, Disinfect And Clean Cat Litter.

The Super Tip To Deodorize, Disinfect And Clean Cat Litter.

My cat is very particular about the cleanliness of its litter box.

If it's not nickel chrome, or smells bad, he lets me know immediately!

For his own good, I don't want to use dangerous products to clean and disinfect his box.

Fortunately, there is a simple and natural method to properly wash your cat's litter box.

The trick is to soak the tray in vinegar water, then wash it with baking soda . Watch:

The Super Tip To Deodorize, Disinfect And Clean Cat Litter.

  • What you need
  • How to
  • Result
  • Additional tips
  • Why does it work?

What you need

- 1 glass of white vinegar

- baking soda

- lukewarm water

- sponge and cloth

How to

1. Empty the litter box.

2. Half fill the tub with lukewarm water.

3. Add the glass of white vinegar.

The Super Tip To Deodorize, Disinfect And Clean Cat Litter.

4. Leave on for 30 min.

5. When the time is up, empty the water.

6. Sprinkle baking soda all over.

The Super Tip To Deodorize, Disinfect And Clean Cat Litter.

7. Sponge the tray.

The Super Tip To Deodorize, Disinfect And Clean Cat Litter.

8. Rinse with clean water.

9. Wipe with a dry cloth.

The Super Tip To Deodorize, Disinfect And Clean Cat Litter.


The Super Tip To Deodorize, Disinfect And Clean Cat Litter.

And There you go ! The cat's litter box is now spotless :-)

Easy, fast and natural, right?

The bin is well cleaned, disinfected and deodorized!

An "all in one" that saves a lot of money.

And no dangerous products that could poison Minet.

It's a ritual you can perform at each litter change.

Additional advice

And why not put a special bag to contain the gravel? This avoids soiling the tray too much.

Once a month, you can add a sponge soaked in bleach for deep disinfection.

In addition, cats love the smell of bleach:ideal for those who are reluctant to go in their litter box...

Why does it work?

White vinegar naturally disinfects the litter box, without risk to your cat.

Like vinegar, baking soda removes all bad odors embedded in the bin.

Finally, with its grainy side, it perfectly cleans the litter when you wipe it down.