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This Man Saves For 10 Years To Buy An Ambulance And Save Abandoned Dogs.

This Man Saves For 10 Years To Buy An Ambulance And Save Abandoned Dogs.

Balu wasn't quite sure what he wanted to do with his life.

All he knew was that he wanted to save animals.

Thus, after having saved for more than 10 years , he was able to buy a van.

He then turned it into an ambulance to take care of injured and abandoned dogs in the city of Pune, India.

With his equipped vehicle, he transports them to a veterinarian for treatment.

This Man Saves For 10 Years To Buy An Ambulance And Save Abandoned Dogs.

“At first, I was a bit scared of dogs,” Balu told Open Road India.

“But now it's my life, I can't stop. I will continue to do this all my life. »

In addition to driving his ambulance, Balu also cares for and houses sick dogs and cats in his home.

He bandages their wounds, gives them medicine and of course feeds them.

This Man Saves For 10 Years To Buy An Ambulance And Save Abandoned Dogs.

To finance this voluntary work, Balu offers a transport service to the veterinarian for dog owners.

He charges €0.20 for this service every 2 km. We can't say that it's very expensive as a price!

“If there is no room in the shelters, I keep 5 to 6 stray dogs at home. Some even have broken legs,” Balu said.

This Man Saves For 10 Years To Buy An Ambulance And Save Abandoned Dogs.

However, despite her great generosity towards animals, Balu explains that not everyone recognizes her work for what it deserves.

Indeed, abandoned dogs in India are often considered a nuisance...

“Fortunately, a lot of people appreciate what we do. But it's true that some people don't like to see me helping sick and injured dogs."

Watch the video that tells the story of this amazing man. This video is in English but you can put the subtitles in French in the YouTube settings: