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The largest dog event in the Netherlands:Dog Event 2016

In the weekend of 9, 10 and 11 December 2016, the largest dog event in the Netherlands will take place in the Rai in Amsterdam:Hond2016. In addition to exterior inspections of the Holland Cup on Friday and the Amsterdam Winner Show on Saturday and Sunday, there are a fair, demonstrations, workshops and sports competitions, where 'loving dogs' is central. A must for any dog ​​lover! Hond2016 presents a vibrant workshop program in which you can participate with your own four-legged friend. You can discover the latest sports and participate in fun activities. In the versatile demonstration program you can get acquainted with the sports Agility, Dogfrisbee, Flyball and Dog Dance and see rescue dogs and guide dogs in action. You can also find out the best facts about purebred dogs. In the Dog Village, various breed clubs present their favorite breed and provide information about purchase, breed-typical behavior and care.

Hond2016 is open daily from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm, the demonstration program starts daily at 10 am. For more information about the entire program, visit