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5 rules in the dog park

A walk in the dog park gives our dogs the opportunity to get to know each other, play and run, but as in all public places there are some unwritten rules that you must follow as a dog owner!

Dog parks can be a lot of fun for both the dog and the dog owner. Here you will meet other dog lovers in the area with whom you can exchange experiences and passion. Here you can see which unwritten rules you should be aware of.

1. Always follow your dog

It can be tempting to pull out your cell phone — or get lost in a conversation with another dog owner. But remember that you are responsible for the safety of your dog and that it behaves nicely towards the other visitors. Maybe the dog is also eating something it is not allowed to or is he/she sneaking away? Pay close attention to what the dog is doing, and rather check your mobile when you return from the park!

2. Wait before letting go of your dog

Before releasing your dog, it's a good idea to observe the other dogs. Then your dog gets to know the other dogs from a distance and you as owner can make a decision. Your dog should have a good socialization base so that he/she knows how to behave in situations with other dogs. You often meet busy dogs, and if your dog is cautious and humble at first, you may prefer to practice socializing in small groups rather than in the park.

3. Take care of the health of the dog

The risk of contamination is certainly present in a dog park. Regular vaccinations are important to prevent infectious diseases such as kennel cough and diarrhea. There is also a certain risk of lice infestation, and if you experience that your dog is itching a lot after a visit to the park, it is important to see a vet and possibly get a prescription for lice treatment. Also let other dog owners who use the park know if you can so new dogs don't get infected.

4. Ask before giving your treat

Are you someone who always has something tasty in the pocket and thinks it's okay to share? It's a nice gesture to give good to other people's dogs, but always check with the owner first. This way you can be sure that the dog has no allergies, especially health problems or the need to lose weight.

5. Clean up the poop!

You may think this is obvious, but unfortunately, sometimes owners don't clean up their pets' poop. This is both unsanitary and rude. Several dog parks have poop bags, at least trash cans. And if you have forgotten the bags, you can neatly ask your sidekick if he/she has any left.