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With a Dog Parker you "park" the dog while you shop

Dogs are constantly left out of the store while their owners run errands. Some dogs like it, others don't. But most people don't realize that the dog can be stolen, eat something wrong or run away. In New York there is finally an alternative, with a dog house called the Dog Parker.

With a Dog Parker you  park  the dog while you shop

Dog Parkers are high-tech, internet-connected dog houses that are placed outside the stores. Dog Parkers provide a safe and convenient way for dog owners to give their dogs temporary homes while quickly running errands nearby.

With a Dog Parker you  park  the dog while you shop

The Dog Parker has features designed to ensure dog comfort, safety and security, including thermo-controlled sensors, cooling and heating mechanisms and auto-purifying technology. Through the accompanying Dog Parker app, you can make easy reservations and have real-time web camera surveillance in the dog house. Every Dog Parker is connected to the internet. Dog Parkers are available to New Yorkers for 20 cents per minute, along with a $25 annual membership fee.

Can't this good idea blow over to the Netherlands?

With a Dog Parker you  park  the dog while you shop