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Tips for the moulting season in dogs

Now that spring is about to start, the moulting season also begins in dogs:the thick, firm undercoat of the winter period falls off and makes way for a thinner outer coat. So that means a lot of hair in the house, which can take up to eight weeks, depending on the breed. It's a natural process prompted by the increasing hours of daylight, which stimulates the hormones that shedding in preparation for the warm months. While there is no "cure" for this natural process, it can be managed with frequent grooming. Here are the things you can do:

First, brush thoroughly. Whether a pet's coat is long or short, frequent brushing is the best strategy for managing shedding hair. Brush until there are no more loose hairs on the brush. Do this outside, weather permitting.

After that, shampoo and conditioner. Massage the shampoo into his coat which will help speed up the process. Rinse and follow with conditioner, again massage well and rinse thoroughly. Make sure you only use products specially formulated for the skin of pets.

Brush the coat again when the hair dries to remove the fallen hair that comes loose during the bath. It is time consuming, but this extra brushing will make a big difference in the amount of hair around the house. .
Repeat this every two to three weeks.