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Many dogs are ready to give a helping paw if necessary

Many dogs show empathy when their owner is in distress and will also try to help them rescue. This is evident from new research that tested whether there is truth to the notion that dogs have a prosocial and empathetic nature. Interesting to note, the study found that dogs specially trained for visitations as therapy dogs are just as likely to help as other dogs.

In one of their experiments, the researchers instructed the owners of 34 dogs to give or hum distressed cries while sitting behind a clear, closed door. Sixteen of these dogs were registered therapy dogs. The researchers watched what the dogs were doing and also measured their heart rates to see how they were reacting physically to the situation. In another part of the experiment, the researchers examined how these same dogs stared at their owners to gauge the strength of their relationship.

Dogs that heard distress signals were no more likely to open a door than dogs that hear someone humming. However, they opened the door much faster when their owner cried. Based on their physiological and behavioral responses, dogs who opened the door were in fact less stressed than they were during baseline measurements, indicating that those who could suppress their own distress were the ones who could spring into action.

The study therefore provides evidence that dogs not only feel empathy towards humans, but in some cases act on this empathy. This happens especially when they are able to suppress their own feelings of fear and focus on those of the person concerned. According to the researcher, this is similar to what is seen when children have to help others. They can only do this if they can suppress their own feelings of personal distress.

Contrary to expectations, the 16 therapy dogs in the study performed just as well as the other dogs when tested when opening the door. According to the researcher, this may be because, despite what people may think, registered therapy dogs do not possess traits that make them more attentive or responsive to human emotional states. She says therapy dog ​​certification tests include skills based more on obedience than on human-animal bonding.