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Adopt a dog? This way you choose the one that suits you!

If you're considering getting a dog, it's a good idea to consider getting a dog from a shelter. After all, there are so many dogs waiting for an owner, so why not give them a safe roof over their heads. Adopting a dog from a shelter has so many benefits. They have already been vaccinated and spayed or neutered. And because the staff has had time to assess their personalities, it's easier to make a good match. Here are four tips to help turn a happy first meeting into a lifelong relationship.

Do some research beforehand. It's so easy to fall in love when those pitiful eyes are staring at you, but it's important to choose a dog whose energy levels and exercise align with you and your family's lifestyle. Go to the shelter's website to see what types of dogs are available and then research the characteristics of those breeds.

Prepare both house and garden for the new arrival. Choose a safe place for the new family member—perhaps in the kitchen or living room—and put a basket, food and water bowls, and some toys there. Outdoor safety requires a good fence so the dog has the freedom to run and play, but give you peace of mind that they are safe in the yard.

Make a promise to train. Training is an excellent way to build a happy and positive relationship with your dog. Whether you spend time learning basic skills or a new trick, you'll improve your bond with your pet.

Practice patience. Dogs are most comfortable when they have a familiar routine. This will be different from the routine in the shelter. Be consistent, give them time to adjust and with patience and love your new family member will do well.