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Why a good dog pillow is a must

There is nothing more relaxing than a good night's sleep. This applies not only to humans, but also to dogs. Dogs sleep on average between 12 and 18 hours a day, depending on age. So they need a comfortable place to sleep, just like you. A soft dog pillow provides your dog with a place that is not only comfortable, but also supportive and soft. Dog pillows are ideal for dogs that like to stretch out, as the sides of a bed or basket can get in the way, making this impossible. We therefore give five reasons why a good dog cushion is a must.

A dog needs its own place

Just as little puppies feel safe and secure with their mom at first, when they move to a new home, they also need a place where they feel safe. This does not change as a puppy grows into an adult. A dog needs their place to retreat from the hustle and bustle – and if you give the dog their own place to sleep, they probably won't sleep where you don't want them to. . In order for your dog to use his dog cushion, you also need to have the right size. This ensures that your dog has more than enough space to stretch out and nap.

It is good for health

A dog pillow is good for your dog's health because sleeping on a cold floor or other hard surfaces can harm your dog's health. If your dog is on a hard floor, they will develop painful joints and calluses, which can lead to arthritis. Cold floors also impair joint movement, especially as your dog gets older. A comfortable dog pillow ensures a good night's sleep.

It keeps your dog clean

Having your own dog bed also keeps your dog clean and healthier; away from food, dust and dirt that collect on a floor in a short time. Many dog ​​pillows come with removable covers that make them easy to wash. This helps keep dog hair, dander and germs to a minimum.

It encourages your dog to sleep in its place

Sometimes it is nice to let your dog sleep in your bed. But often it can disturb your sleep if the dog is tossing and turning. Or worse, your dog is a large breed that takes up most of your sleeping space. A cozy private place for the dog is best for both the dog and for you.

It helps maintain the right body temperature

Maintaining the correct body temperature is also important as it helps to keep your dog comfortable. Therefore, buy a dog pillow that breathes better because of the fabrics. This ensures optimal comfort and prevents the temperature from rising high.

The right dog cushion keeps the dog active

If you sometimes wake up during the night, it can be difficult to go back to sleep. If your dog isn't getting the sleep he/she needs, they feel the same way. Therefore, if you want your dog to jump, play, run, be happy and active - buy a good dog cushion. And, if your dog is comfortable on the pillow, he/she won't wander around the room restlessly and won't disturb your sleep!

Pillows for dogs to sleep on

Dog cushions are available in different styles, sizes and materials. The cushions are for indoor use and designed for dogs to have a warm, soft sleeping space. Some people may be concerned about keeping a pillow clean for their dog. However, most new styles are reversible or have removable covers that can be washed in the washing machine for a quick clean. Dog is a dog cushion shop that specializes in dog cushions. You will find a wide choice of dog cushions in fun colors, patterns, beautiful fabrics and with competitive prices!