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First equipment:a puppy comes into the house

The expectation is great, the little puppy is finally coming home. But he too has needs and needs basic equipment for life. What should (new) dog owners have ready so that the young dog has everything he needs and quickly feels at home? These four products are indispensable during the first weeks.

1. Feeders
The young puppy needs to eat and drink and certainly wants to grow. Feeders made of stainless and food-safe stainless steel are best suited for this purpose – both for food and water. Stainless steel is the most hygienic material because it is easy to remove food residues. They are also dishwasher safe.

First equipment:a puppy comes into the house


First equipment:a puppy comes into the house


First equipment:a puppy comes into the house


2. Dog bed/blanket
Dogs need a place to sleep and relax that they can retreat to at any time and undisturbed. A dog bed and blanket provides comfort and well-being, which is soft and comfortable as well as heat storage, moisture permeable and above all robust. Medical dog blankets, for example, meet these criteria. Another advantage: they are boil-proof, suitable for the washing machine and correspondingly hygienic. This is especially important in young dogs, as they are more likely to suffer from helminth infections. The blankets can also be used universally and not only provide a comfortable feeling at home, but also in the car or when you take them on holiday.

First equipment:a puppy comes into the house


First equipment:a puppy comes into the house


First equipment:a puppy comes into the house


First equipment:a puppy comes into the house


3. Dog whistle
It is important that the puppy is educated in time, so that he obeys his owner or in his pack for the next few years. In doing so, the dog should not be overwhelmed, but should be trained in accordance with its respective level of development. With a dog whistle, he playfully learns to listen to a command if it is used from the beginning. As soon as the young dog wants to eat, it is simply called to eat via a whistle. He is thus positively conditioned without being specifically trained.

First equipment:a puppy comes into the house


First equipment:a puppy comes into the house


First equipment:a puppy comes into the house


4. Dog crate
A dog crate fulfills the first important functions when raising a puppy. It helps to potty train him faster so he can move freely later. If it serves as his nighttime sleeping place, he will get restless when he has to go out at night so that the owner can wake up and get him to the door in time. Because the puppy won't do his business in his sleeping place. If he just has a blanket at night, he gets up alone and relieves himself somewhere in the house. It is also a protected space for the puppy in case the little one needs some rest from children playing, for example. It also helps if owners only have to do something short, such as a doctor's visit. If you put him in the crate, the little treasure can do no damage in the living room at that time. It is best placed so that the dog has a good view of the room and feels safe. A bench is also perfect for driving, as it ensures safe transport.

First equipment:a puppy comes into the house


First equipment:a puppy comes into the house


First equipment:a puppy comes into the house
