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67% singles choose a LAT relationship out of love for their pet

What impact do pets have on a singles relationship? Dating site Parship researched this and of the more than 1,700 singles surveyed, 37% have a pet. Single ladies in particular are animal lovers. More than 44% of women have a pet, compared to 27% of single men. Of singles who own a pet, 41% said it's not a turn off at all if their date has a pet they don't like. Another 52% say it depends on which animal is walking around with their potential partner. The other 7% is rigorous:they prefer not to go on a date with pets.

Three-quarters of pet owners don't think it's a turn off if their date has nothing to do with animals, on one condition:that the pet is simply accepted. More strongly, 16% say they want to date someone who cares just as much about animals. And the other 4%? They are even willing to get rid of their pet(s), in the name of love.

And what about when two animal lovers get along? Chances are that there will be plans to live together one day, of course. What if their pets can't get along? Only 2.5% is so drastic as to end that relationship. Just as steadfast is 4% who don't care but demand that the other renounce his or her animal companionship. Salient:26% of the gentlemen are so selfless by saying goodbye to their own pet with a heavy heart, for the sake of love. A meager 8% of women would opt for this solution. A good 67% say they would rather be in a LAT relationship so that both can keep their beloved pets. In addition, 10% of the respondents indicated that although they did not have a pet, they did want one.

Which animals are popular among singles in 2015? Cats are the most popular. Nearly 57% of animal owners have one or more house tigers walking around. Women especially love cats. Man's best friend comes in a nice second place:exactly 45% have a dog. Fish are bobbing around third, but well behind. A mere 8% of singles have fish swimming around. Less popular are the reptiles and spiders. With their 1% and 0.6%, they were slightly less popular than, for example, rodents and birds (both 3%).