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Summer Pet Lifesavers

While you're enjoying all the summer fun, it's important to remember that pets have special needs as the weather warms and we head out on the road. Extreme heat can be just as dangerous to pets as it is to humans, so keep these potentially life-saving tips in mind when it's hot!

1. Paws first and drink: When cooling your dog with water, remember that pets give off heat by sweating through their paws (and panting). Keeping their paws, legs, and abdomen cool from the feet can help lower body temperature. A dog pool, is an ideal way to cool off animals and get those tails wagging. Place water bowls in the yard to keep your pets well hydrated and fill them often with fresh water or invest in a refillable fountain.

2. Pupsicles! Ice creams aren't just for the kids anymore. You can make ice cream for dogs yourself, which is a great way to help your pet cool down and stay happy this summer. There are many nice shapes of, for example, these dog bones, in which you can put the ice cream.

3. Join us for the ride: Heading to the highway and bringing a dog or feline friend? Make a list and double check it before you hit the road. From car hammocks to travel crates to basics like a basket, leash and snacks, check out our travel tips to keep dogs and cats safe during the holidays before your trip begins.

4. Leave car sickness behind: Car sickness doesn't just affect people. Pets are also prone to stomach ache when traveling and anxiety is a big reason why. Help calm their nerves by providing them with some home comforts, such as a blanket that smells like you or a favorite toy. When using a crate, it's better to use one they know, rather than renting one for the ride.

5. Flying high: If you are taking dogs or cats on a flight, a direct flight is best. Book early and look for direct flights whenever possible. Make sure your pet AND crate both have all important contact details. Soothe their fears with a favorite chew toy and something that smells like home, and make sure the crate is the right size:big enough for your pet to stand in, turn over and lie in comfortably.

6. Staying in shape safely: It's important to maintain your pet's health and fitness all year round, but avoid intense midday sun on the hot summer days and opt for morning or evening walks before the temperature gets too hot. A fun game of fetch in the hallway or up and down the stairs is a great way to give your pet the exercise he needs without breaking a sweat.

7. Beat the heat (on the sidewalk!): Dog's paws may look tough, but they can blister and peel if exposed to extreme heat. A good rule of thumb for your pets' paws? Place the back of your hand on the pavement and if you can't leave it there for five seconds, it's too hot for bare feet. Take walks in the grass and avoid walking at the hottest time of the day.

8. Know the signs of heat stroke: Heavy panting, accelerated heart rate, difficulty breathing, glassy eyes, excessive thirst, fever, dizziness and lack of coordination are just some of the signs of heat stroke in animals. If you notice excessive salivation, a deep red or purple tongue, or vomiting, cool your pet and see a vet immediately as they may have heatstroke.

9. Scary Summer Storms: A summer thunderstorm or heat wave can cause a power outage that turns off the air conditioning, but a cooling mat and dog pool are good to have on hand and inexpensive ways to stay cool even on the hottest days. Also take your pet to an area of ​​safety and comfort when a thunderstorm starts.

10. In the shade: If you and your dog go to the beach or don't have natural shade from trees, provide shade yourself using a pop-up tent or umbrella. Know that in direct sun the air feels much warmer than it actually is, so being outside will make pets much happier and safer in the shade.

11. ID Collar: Summer is an important season for pets to get lost and away from home. And fireworks and storms are two of the main culprits:animals get scared and run or take cover due to loud noises. A secure ID collar is a must to keep them safe and reunite lost animals with their owners.